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Exercise 3. Fill in the correct word from the list:sciences, to grant, secondary, multilevel, to give, paper, entrance

Fill in the correct word from the list: sciences, to grant, secondary, multilevel, to give, paper, entrance, individual, mobility, research.

1. ________ studies

2. ________ the possibility

3. scientific ________

4. ________ exams

5. Natural _________

6. ________ education

7. ________ system

8. graduation ______

9. _________ a degree

10. to provide _______

Exercise 4

Make up a dialogue on the situation

Student A

You are a second-year student of the SUSU. Help the American student to understand the rules and regulations of being accepted to Russian university, being granted a degree. Explain the difference between the types of Russian educational institutions. You may also suggest him some tips for studying, clarify the peculiarities of students’ life in Russia. It’s your first meeting with the person. Don’t forget to introduce yourself.

Student B

You are an American student. You want to get a higher education in Russian. You love Russia very much as your grandmother is Russian. So you’ve come to Russia to find out as much details as possible about the system of Higher education in Russia, about the types of educational institutions and about the hardships (difficulties) of students’ life. You’ve met a Russian second-year student. Introduce yourself and remember you are a very inquisitive person.

Grammar exercises

Exercise 1

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 475 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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