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Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Tense. Remember that some of them are irregular

Last year I _____ (to spend) my holidays in Great Britain. It ____ (to be) a wonderful time! I ____ (to meet) quite a number of new people and many of them ______ (to become) my friends. I ______ (to have) the opportunity to visit famous museums and art galleries such as British museum and National gallery. We ______ (to see) the glorious Buckingham Palace, _______ (to make) photos of the world–known Big Ben, _______ (to eat) fish and chips in an English pub, _______ (to listen) to the story of the Tour of London, _____ (to see) a film in one of London cinemas.

But England is famous not only for its historical places. It is a picturesque country. Our English friends _____ (to show) us another England – the England of parks, gardens and moors with wild ponies. This ____ (to be) the most exciting and unforgettable trip in my life. I ____ (to fall) in love with the country and since my coming back I dream to visit it again.

Exercise 8

Open the brackets and put the verbs into one of the Simple Tenses

1. Dick (to enter) Oxford university in 2003. Now he is a sophomore student.

2. After every three months of study we (hand in) our term papers.

3. Susan (not to know) what exams she has to pass this term.

4. A university lecturer in Western universities (to deliver) 3 or 4 lectures a week.

5. Usually people (to consider) the employment situation before choosing their future careers.

6. Leading universities (to do) everything possible to provide their students with all the necessary facilities.

7. Nick (not to like) to prepare for examinations.

8. I (to chose) my major next year. Now I am not ready to make a choice.

9. There is no free education in Western Europe but they (to have) a developed system of grants and loans.

10. Last year three students of the university were expelled because they (no to respect) the Rules.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 608 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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