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Listen and pronounce the active vocabulary of the lesson after the teacher

1. “major” subject – основной предмет

2. deadline, n – крайний срок

3. foreign student – студент-иностранец

4. good career foundation – хорошая основа для создания карьеры

5. requirement, n – требование

6. source for information – источник информации

7. term paper – курсовая работа

8. advisor, n – консультант

9. employment situation – ситуация на рынке труда

10. experienced student – студент старшекурсник

11. concentration, n – сосредоточенность

12. confidence, n – уверенность

13. natural talent – природный дар

14. self-discipline, n – самодисциплина

15. self-organization, n – самоорганизация

16. strong motivation – высокая мотивация

17. to communicate with, v – общаться с

18. to consider, v – рассматривать

19. to generate loyalty – лояльно относиться

20. to hand in, n – сдавать

21. to have personality problems – иметь личные проблемы

22. to pay attention to, v – обращать внимание на

23. to pay the fee – платить за обучение

24. to prepare for (examinations) – готовиться к экзаменам

25. to respect the Rules – уважать правила

26. to succeed in, v – преуспевать в чем-либо

27. tremendous, a – огромный

Task 3

Match the words to make job titles

University tutor

Personal teacher

Driving trainer

Volleyball instructor

Private lecturer

Primary school coach

Task 4

The following data shows how a group of British students responded to the question: “What are the most important factors for success in a university?”

natural talent 4%

concentration 5%

high IQ 9%

confidence 14%

being organized 17%

being disciplined 22%

motivation 29%

Do you agree with the results of the survey?

Use the following phrases to express your agreement or disagreement:

Agreement Disagreement
I quite agree with the survey. Я вполне согласен с опросом.   I agree with the survey in principle. В принципе я согласен с опросом.   I agree with the survey in a sense. Я согласен с опросом в некотором смысле.   I agree with the survey whole–heartedly. Я всей душой согласен с опросом. I’m afraid I have to disagree with the survey. К сожалению, мне придется не согласиться с опросом.   I couldn’t disagree more with it. Никак не могу согласиться с этим.   With all respect, I disagree. При всем уважении к вам я не согласен.   I disagree with the survey on every point. Я не согласен с опросом по всем пунктам.


I agree with the survey whole-heartedly. Motivation is the most important factor of success as it is very difficult to teach a student if he doesn’t want to study.


With all respect to the data of the survey I disagree. I think that to succeed in a university a student, first of all, must have natural talent and self-discipline.

Task 5

Look again at the factors enumerated in Task 2 and choose those you think you have: natural talent, concentration, high IQ, confidence, self-organization, self-discipline, strong motivation

Task 6

Can you give a clear answer to the question: “Why did I enter the university?”

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 359 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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