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Exercise 2. Insert the right form of the verb «to be»

Fill in the gaps with the forms of the verb «to have»

  Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple
Формы глагола   to have I We You He She It They –– have –– has –– –– –– I We You He She It They –– –– had –– –– –– –– I We You He She It They –– –– –– –– –– –– ––

Exercise 3

Insert the right form of the verb «to be»

1. She ____ a teacher.

2. Peter and Tom ____ absent today.

3. I ___ a primary school teacher.

4. The weather _____very cold yesterday.

5. I ____ an engineer in five years.

6. What film _____ on in the cinema today?

7. My brothers ____ drivers.

8. Our teacher ____ from Great Britain.

9. Ann ___ 18 years old two years ago.

10. Where ___ you last Monday?

11. She _____ a student if she studies hard at school.

Exercise 4

Insert the right form of the verb «to have»

1. He ____ enough confidence to enter the university.

2. My mother ____ a well–paid job.

3. We ____ two lectures every day.

4. They _____ a tutorial last Wednesday.

5. Most of my classmates _____ higher education in five years.

6. Our grandmother _____ a house in the country.

7. She _____ a car next year.

8. We _____ laboratory classes yesterday.

9. Pete ____ a diploma of a Specialist in Engineering.

10. They ____ a lot of work to do.

Exercise 5

Open the brackets and put the appropriate form of the verbs «to be» and «to have»

1. Ann (to have) three exams to pass last term.

2. Don’t pay attention to his rudeness he (to have) some personality problems and can’t hold himself together.

3. Peter (to have) enough confidence in his abilities to enter the university.

4. Who has told you the results of the entrance exams? – I (to have) some reliable sources of information.

5. Everybody (to have) his own personality traits and he must choose the course of study that corresponds his abilities.

6. I can’t communicate with her. She (to be) such an arrogant person.

7. We (to be) very good at studying foreign languages.

8. What (to be) your college major?

9. Ron (to be) an experienced student. It (to be) his third year of studying at the university.

10. The right choice of the college major (to be) a good career foundation.

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