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Sample annotations

· Garver, Wayne; Moss, Frank. “Detecting signals with noise”: Garver and Moss describe two experiments demonstrating the utility of noise in bringing out an electronic signal and the possible extraction of data from background noise. The construction of the experiments and the likely results are discussed.

· Davies-Jones, Robert. «Tornadoes»: Although much has been discovered about the behavior and origins of tornadoes, many mysteries still remain about how these violent storms form. Davies-Jones explores the many different forms of tornadoes and the devastation that they can create.

· Jamison, Kay Redfield. “Manic-depressive illness and creativity”: Recent studies have shown a link between creativity and mood disorders such as manic-depressive illness and major depression. The connection is examined, and the cases of Lord Tennyson, Vincent van Gogh and Robert Schumann are highlighted.

· Schattschneider, Doris. «Escher's metaphors»: Although M.C. Escher claimed to know little about mathematics, his drawings reveal a keen instinctive grasp of infinity, symmetry and other mathematical principles. His work is examined.

· McCloskey, Donald. «An economic uncertainty principle”: Economists claim to know the next month's interest rates, yet they are not rich. Their claim is also a claim that others in the market do not know the future of the interest rates. The economic uncertainty principle is examined.

· Newman, Jack. «How breast milk protects newborns”: Some of the molecules and cells in human milk actively help infants stave off infection. The way in which breast milk helps protect newborns from disease is detailed.

· Nemecek, Sasha. “Transforming Hyde into Jekyll”: Recent research in tissue engineering indicates that patients could eventually receive heart valves grown from their own cells. The advantages of engineered valves are detailed.

· Nowak, Martin A.; McMichael, Andrew J. “How HIV defeats the immune system”: Nowak and McMichael propose that HIV replicates prodigiously, enough to cause the severe immune impairment that defines full-blown AIDS. The process by which HIV escapes the control of the immune system, signaling the onset of AIDS, is described.

· Iovine, John. “Genetically altering Escherichia coli”: An experiment in which three types of recombinant plasmids are constructed and then injected into Escherichia coli is described. In this experiment, resistance for ampicillin, for kanamycin and for both ampicillin and kanamycin to the bacterium is studied.

· Ross, Marc; DeCicco, John. “Measuring the energy drain on your car”: A method for measuring the friction that hurts a car's efficiency is explained. Rolling resistance and engine drag can be found by pulling a car with a rope attached to a spring scale.

· Dragovan, Mark. “Making a mirror by spinning a liquid”: Instructions of how to build a telescope mirror by spinning a liquid are offered.

· Hiller, Robert A. et at. “Producing light from a bubble of air”: Instructions for turning sound into light through a process called sonoluminescence are offered. Light can be produced from a bubble of air using an oscilloscope, a sound generator, a home stereo amplifier and about $100 worth of equipment.

· Stewart, Jan. «The never-ending chess game»: A hypothetical chess game that goes on forever without checkmate and without repeating the same sequence of moves three times in a row is presented.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 351 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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