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Abundant e-learning empirical research points out those superior e-learning outcomes are one of the critical objectives of e-learning research. Our path analytical model suggests that of these six variables I hypothesized, all of them are useful predictor of e-learning outcomes, except the following three unsupported hypotheses. The paths from system quality and information quality to user satisfaction, system use to user satisfaction, and user satisfaction to e-learning outcomes were significant as hypothesized by the DeLone-McLean model. On the other hand, the paths from system quality to system use, system use to e-learning outcome, and self-efficacy to user satisfaction were not significant. This negative finding may be explained by the mandatory nature of the e-learning system. This is in accordance with the findings of the study of Livari [45], which tested the DM model in a mandatory city government information system context. System use is the pivot of the DM model. System use, either actual or perceived, is one of the most frequently reported and the most objective measure of MIS success or the MIS success measure of choice in MIS empirical research [3] in a voluntary IS use context. The DM model has been empirically tested using structural equation modeling in a quasi-voluntary IS use context [46] and in a mandatory information system context [45]. Nevertheless, the usage of information and systems, as repeatedly pointed out by DeLone and McLean [3], is only relevant when such use is voluntary. Needless to say, e-learning systems are mandatory systems. Regardless of the quality of the e-learning management system, e-learners must use the system. We suggest that future e-learning empirical studies exclude "system use" construct in the model.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 417 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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