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They are dreaming of creating an origami movie

6) Приступаем к написанию самого резюме, используя заготовки. С помощью нехитрых математических вычислений приходим к выводу, что в нашем резюме должно быть около 150-210 слов (1/3 - 1/4 от объема всей статьи). В первом предложении нам нужно указать название и автора статьи, а также источник, в котором она была опубликована. Заранее позаботимся о вводных фразах, которые должны обеспечить плавный переход от одного предложения к другому:

Nowadays, firstly, secondly, as a result, consequently, finally, to sum up, in conclusion, on the one hand, on the other hand, however, yet, thus, anyway, actually, in fact, clearly, naturally, obviously, similarly, on the contrary, moreover, furthermore.

Полезными могут оказаться и следующие конструкции: it is widely known, there is no doubt that, it seems that, the article describes, shows, is devoted to и т.д..

Часто используются следующие глаголы: agree, disagree, refuse, suggest, demand, comment on, insist, critisize, analyse и их синонимы.

Итак, конечная версия резюме данной статьи выглядит так:

The article «Ancient Japanese Art of Origami Thriving in San Francisco» written by Yi Suili and published by VOA on the 17th of March 2010 describes growing popularity of origami in San Francisco.

An American scientist, Robert Lang has taken a liking for paper folding since childhood. As a result, he is fascinated with the idea of turning seemingly useless material into something charming. For the last eight years Lang has devoted his life entirely to the art of origami. Besides, this master is able to make something wonderful with any kind of paper, even with dollars. What shape paper takes depends on paper itself.

Excited with the animals Lang has created a lot of unique, evolutionary works of art. Recently, he has worked together with Linda Tomoko Mihara, a Japanese-American origami master, who keeps in mind the ancient traditions of her ancestors. Linda and Robert have worked on the models for 3D animation and created origami models of almost all the details of the commercial.

Consequently, inspired by the success they are dreaming of creating an origami movie.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 386 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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