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Before the Interview

Locate the company in advance. You don’t have to go in, but you should make the trip. You may find the public transportation more confusing than you anticipated, the parking hard to find, or the building itself hard to locate. If you make the trip ahead of time, you will have fewer chances for last-minute surprises on the day of the interview.

Find out what you can about the company. The following questions will help in researching it:

· What is the company’s product or service?

· When was the company organized?

· How is the company organized?

· How big is the department in which you wish to work?

· What are the functions and responsibilities of that department?

· Who is the personnel manager?

· What benefits are you entitled to as an employee?

· What are the rules and regulations of the company?

· What are regulations concerning dress and appearance?

· Are there subsidiaries in other regions or countries?

· Will you have to travel in your job?

Think of the potential service to the employer. Make sure that you know what the job involves.

Find out the interviewer’s name, telephone number and preferred titles (Ms./Miss / Mrs.).

Read company literature.

Seek advice of what to wear to the interview and attend to your appearance. The way you dress is very important.

Be sure of your references.

Know why you want to work for that company.

Know the importance of getting along with people.

Prepare to have samples of your work, if applicable.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 498 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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