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Pay attention to phrasal verbs, guess at their meaning from the context of the sentence

1. We’ll buy a smaller house when the children have grown up and left home. 2. Who’s going to look after the cats when we go away on holiday? 3. The computer isn’t working – it broke down this morning. 4. It was really difficult to wake up this morning after my late night last night. 5. I found out where he lived by checking in the local library. 6. It was no problem: we looked up his number in the telephone book. 7. Everyone had to stand up when the judge arrived.
8. My headaches have been much better since I gave up drinking coffee. 9. What’s going on here? What are you doing? 10. He promised to play in the match, but he didn’t come. He left down the whole team. 11. What time does the plane take off?

Unit 8

Texts: 1 The Internet. 2 Bill Gates. 3 Applying for a job.

Grammar: Conditional Clauses.

8.1. Translate the sentences. Practise the prepositions in your own examples.

1. I walked into the room. 2. I saw her sitting in the room. 3. We came to the University at 10 o’clock. 4. I didn’t pay much attention to her story. 5. The chief turned to me with a look of astonishment on his face. 6. He doesn’t know anything about the town. 7. Would you like to talk to/with him? 8. I thanked him for his confidence. 9. He said to me he had passed all the exams.

8.2. Choose the correct preposition.

1. Hurry up! Our bus leaves on/in an hour. 2. In the picture Jerry is sitting among/between Alex and Ted. 3. The postman is in/at the door. He’s got some letters for us. 4. Father goes to work in/by car every morning. 5. I’m meeting Peter for coffee on/at Tuesday. 6. Be careful as you walk across/along the street. 7. I go to the University on/by foot.

8.3. Translate the sentences paying attention to the meaning of once and since.

1. Once upon a time most men believed that the earth was flat.
2. Once the chain reaction has begun, it’s hard to stop it. 3. Once radioactivity was discovered, scientific progress became fast. 4. It was once generally thought that life could not exist at great depth in the oceans. 5. They have known each other since they were at school.
6. It’s been raining since one o’clock. 7. She’s been working here since April. 8. Since you are here, let’s have a talk.

8.4. Words and word combinations on the text.

at first вначале
around the world во всем мире
cheep a дешевый
connect v соединять
current events текущие события
exchange v обмениваться
exciting a удивительный
look for v искать
mainly adv в основном
space n пространство
store v хранить
surf the net путешествовать по интернету
underline v подчеркивать
with each other друг с другом
without doubt без сомнения

8.5. Read the text, translate it and do the tasks in the following paragraphs:

1. Analize verb-forms.

2. How did you translate the word “connected”?

3. Do you know the difference between “the same” and “some”?

4. What’s the difference between “automatical” and “automatically”?

5. What meanings of the word “current” can you find in the dictionary?

6. Translate the sentence: “All you need is computer”.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1589 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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