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Read a sentence and then write another sentence with the same meaning

Example: It is expected that the government will lose the election.→ The government is expected to lose the election.

1. It is reported that two people were seriously injured in the accident → Two people …

2. It is said that three men were arrested after the explosion → Three men …

3. It is said that he is 105 years old. → He …

4. It is expected that the strike will begin tomorrow. → The strike …

5. It was supposed that the train would arrive at 11.30 but it was 40 minutes late. → The train …

Rephrase the following sentences as in the example.

Example: I don’t think Ann should watch the late film.

I don’t want Ann to watch the late film.

1. Why don’t you come to my party?

I would like …

2. You have to finish this project today.

I need …

3. I don’t think my secretary should attend the meeting.

I don’t want …

4. Can you show me how to use the washing machine?

I want …

5. He is taking part in the race.

I want …

6. She wouldn’t allow me to read the letter.

She didn’t want …

A Ship’s Propeller

Words on the text.

drive v приводить в движение
explosion n взрыв
fail v терпеть неудачу
happen v случаться, происходить
propeller n двигатель, гребной винт
push v толкать, продвигать(ся)
remain v оставаться
sure a уверенный
turn v вращать

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1131 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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