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Words and word combinations on the text

as far as … is concerned что касается
arrange v располагать
arrangement n устройство, размещение
bulkhead n переборка
compartment n отсек
consequently adv следовательно, поэтому
mostly adv главным образом
the number n количество
in accordance with в соответствии с
in spite of несмотря на

7.17. Read and translate the text with a dictionary (passages 1–3 orally, 4–7 in written form).

The Ship’s General Arrangement

1. The arrangement of various compartments of a vessel depends on the type of the vessel. In case of a passenger ship attention is given to the arrangement of the vessel as a place to live in.

2. Passengers of our days find on board the ship a standard of comfort equal to that which they might find in a good hotel ashore. Generally there are some decks on the passenger liners, viz. 1, navigating bridge, boat and promenade decks, lower deck which is arranged forward from the fuel oil bunkers to the forward peak 2 bulkhead; decks extending for the full length of the ship.

3. The crew spaces are often in the poop and in some vessels in the forecastle. Accommodations for passengers are situated mostly amidships on the upper and lower decks, but sometimes they may also be in the after part of the vessel. The dining saloons are located on the upper decks, but in some vessels they may be on the lower decks as well. The swimming pool is also on the upper deck.

4. Water ballast is carried in the double bottom and peak tank 3. The main machinery is accommodated in the engine-room and in passenger vessels it is located amidships. Modern passenger liners are equipped with a combined air-conditioning ventilation and heating system.

5. Modern cargo ships are of various types. In spite of all the differences, the cargo ships have the common feature as far their accommodation is concerned, viz., the largest part of their space is used to carry cargo.

6. The particular cargo for which a cargo vessel is built governs the number and arrangement of decks and superstructures. A vessel built to carry fluid cargo needs maximum cubic capacity of hold space, consequently all structural details are arranged so that she may most efficiently carry this type of cargo.

7. So the arrangement of ships is usually in accordance with their service.

1 viz. (videlicet = namely) – а именно, то есть

2 forward peak (bulkhead) – таранная (форпиковая переборка)

3 peak tank – концевая (пиковая) цистерна

Grammar: Subjective Infinitive Construction

(Complex Subject)

The icebreaker Rossiya is known to have been launched in our city.

Compare: It is known that the icebreaker Rossiya was launched

Известно, что ледокол «Россия» был спущен на воду gfjmfjfgkkkв нашем городе.

Verbs and word combinations used in sentences with Complex Subject:

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