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Exercise 3. a) Listen tothe dialogues and write down the data:

a) Listen tothe dialogues and write down the data:

1) АСFT: Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. Newtown Control. Finair 402. All engines failed. Descending rapidly. Making forced landing. 40 km north of NW. Leaving FL 200, heading 360. Request weather and QNН in the area of landing.

CTL: Finair 402. Roger. Mayday. All stations. Emergency descent 40 km north of NW. All aircraft below FL 200 leave Airway Alpha 51 to west immediately.

CTL: Finair 402. Weather in the vicinity west of NW: wind 020°10 m/sеc. Visibility 5000 m, few clouds 1800 m. QNH 1006. Storm in sea.

АСFT: Roger, QNH 1006, Finair 402.

CTL: Finair 402. If possible report whеn landed.

АСFT: WiIco, Finair 402.

АСFT: Раn, Pan, Pan. Newtown Control. Air Ukraine 125. Intercepted emergency call from Finair 402. Ditching in sea. No damage. Some passengers injured. Waiting for search and rescue.

CTL: Air Ukraine 125. Roger.

2) ACFT: Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. Newtown Control. Air India 112. Engine No1 failure. Will make emergency landing at Newtown. Request fuel dumping due to weight. Request fuel dumping area. Position 50 km south of SP, at FL 120 heading 280.

CTL: Air India 112. Newtown Control. Fly to fuel dumping area over TF, FL 200, inbound track 280, left hand pattern, outbound time 1 minute.

ACPT: Flying to fuel dumping area over TF FL 200, inbound track 280, left hand pattern, outbound time 1 minute. Air India 112.

CTL: All stations. Newtown Control. Boeing 707 dumping fuel at FL 200 over TF on track 280, left hand pattern. Avoid flight below FL 200 within 15km of fuel dumping track.

ACPT: Newtown Control. Air India 112. Fuel dumping completed. Request further instructions.

CTL: Air India 112. Roger. Descend to altitude 6000ft to NO. Land at Newtown.

ACFT: Leaving FL 200, descending to altitude 6000ft to NO. Air India 112.

CTL: All stations. Newtown Control. Fuel dumping completed.

3) ACFT: Newtown Approach. Thainter 915.

APP: Thainter 915. Newtown Approach. Go ahead.

АСFТ: Thainter 915. SO 25. FL 140, DА 28. Request holding pattern for 20 minutes to burn out fuel to landing weight.

APP: Thainter 915. Hold at DA, FL 140. Inbound track 120. Right hand pattern, outbound time 1 minute.

ACFT: Hold at DA FL 140. Inbound track 120. Right hand 1 minute pattern, Thainter 915.

ACFT: Thainter 915. At DA, FL 140.

APP: Thainter 915. Roger.

ACFT: Thainter 915. Fuel burning completed. Request further instructions.

APP: Thainter 915. Descend to altitude 8000ft, report SL.

ACFT: Leaving FL 140, descending to altitude 8000ft, will report SL. Thainter 915.

ACFT: Thainter 915. Passing SL at FL 160.

b) Listen to the dialogues again and repeat the controller's words.

c) Take the controller’s part. Use the data you have written down.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 219 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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