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Dialogue 1. 1) What is the callsign of the aircraft?

1) What is the callsign of the aircraft?

a) Air France 218; b) Air France 345;

c) Air France 435; d) Air France 154.

2) What flight level is the aircraft maintaining?

a) FL 160; b) 120;

c) FL 110; d) FL 200.

3) What ATIS did the pilot acknowledge?

a) Delta; b) Mike;

c) Tango; d) Foxtrot.

4) Why can’t the controller permit descent?

a) due weather; b) due cloud;

c) due traffic; d) due fog.

5) What is the inbound track in the holding pattern?

a) 348; b) 318;

c) 240; d) 148.

Dialogue 2

1) What is the reason for delay?

a) zero visibility; b) thunderstorm;

c) fog; d) shower.

2) What is the remaining fuel?

a) 1 hr 20 min; b) 2 hr 45 min;

c) 2 hr 40 min; d) 3 hr 20 min.

3) What is the procedure turn and the outbound time?

a) left / 1 min; b) right / 1 min;

c) left / 2 min; d) right / 2 min.

4) What flight level is the aircraft descending to and in which direction when the thunderstorm is over?

a) FL 160 to AT; b) FL 170 TH;

c) FL 140 AK; d) FL 160 to TH.


Exercise 1

Study the following words:

alternate [Ol7tE:nit] запасной (аэродром)
blocked [blOkt] заблокированный
diversion [dai7vE:Sn] уход на запасной аэродром
divert [dai7vE:t] уходить на запасной аэродром
flooded [7flVdid] затопленный
intention [in7tenSn] намерение
(at) least [li:st] по крайней мере
minima [7minimE] мн.ч. от minimum (минимум)
receive [ri7si:v] принимать
removal [ri7mu:vl] уборка (снега)
standing [7stXndiN] стоячий

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