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Sonny cradled the phone. He forced himself to sit still. He knew that his

Greatest weakness was his anger and this was one time when anger could be

Fatal. The first thing to do was get Tom Hagen. But before he could pick up the

Phone, it rang. The call was from the bookmaker licensed by the Family to

operate in the district of the Don's office. The bookmaker had called to tell him

That the Don had been killed, shot dead in the street. After a few questions to

make sure that the bookmaker's informant had not been close to the body, Sonny

dismissed the information as incorrect. Phillips' dope would be more accurate.

The phone rang almost immediately a third time. It was a reporter from the Daily

News. As soon as he identified himself, Sonny Corleone hung up.

8 He dialed Hagen's house and asked Hagen's wife, "Did Tom come home yet?"

She said, "No," that he was not due for another twenty minutes but she expected

home for supper. "Have him call me," Sonny said.

He tried to think things out. He tried to imagine how his father would react in a

Like situation. He had known immediately that this was an attack by Sollozzo, but

Sollozzo would never have dared to eliminate so high-ranking a leader as the Don

Unless he was backed by other powerful people. The phone, ringing for the fourth

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 347 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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