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Out in the street the early winter light was failing. Freddie leaned casually

Against the fender of the heavy Buick. When he saw his father come out of the

building Freddie went out into the street to the driver's side of the car and got in.

Don Corleone was about to get in on the sidewalk side of the car when he

Hesitated and then turned back to the long open fruit stand near the corner. This

Had been his habit lately, he loved the big but-of-season fruits, yellow peaches

And oranges, that glowed in their green boxes. The proprietor sprang to serve

Him. Don Corleone did not handle the fruit. He pointed. The fruit man disputed his

Decisions only once, to show him that one of his choices had a rotten underside.

Don Corleone took the paper bag in his left hand and paid the man with a five-

Dollar bill. He took his change and, as he turned to go back to the waiting car, two

Men stepped from around the corner. Don Corleone knew immediately what was

To happen.

The two men wore black overcoats and black hats pulled low to prevent

identification by witnesses. They had not expected Don Corleone's alert reaction.

He dropped the bag of fruit and darted toward the parked car with startling

quickness for a man of his bulk. At the same time he shouted, "Fredo, Fredo." It

Was only then that the two men drew their guns and fired.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 377 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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