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Small groups

Freddie still had not drawn his weapon. He seemed stunned. He stared down

at his father's body lying face down on the tarred street, lying now in what

Seemed to him a blackish lake of blood. Freddie went into physical shock. People

Eddied out again and someone, seeing him start to sag, led him to the curbstone

and made him sit down on it. A crowd gathered around Don Corleone's body, a

Circle that shattered when the first police car sirened a path through them.

Directly behind the police was the Daily News radio car and even before it

Stopped a photographer jumped out to snap pictures of the bleeding Don

Corleone. A few moments later an ambulance arrived. The photographer turned

His attention to Freddie Corleone, who was now weeping openly, and this was a

Curiously comical sight, because of his tough, Cupid-featured face, heavy nose

And thick mouth smeared with snot. Detectives were spreading through the

Crowd and more police cars were coming up. One detective knelt beside Freddie,

Questioning him, but Freddie was too deep in shock to answer. The detective

reached inside Freddie's coat and lifted his wallet. He looked at the identification

Inside and whistled to his partner. In just a few seconds Freddie had been cut off

from the crowd by a flock of plainclothesmen. The first detective found Freddie's

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 333 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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