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After dinner they walked past the brightly lit department stores full of holiday

shoppers and Michael said to her, "What shall I get you for Christmas?"

4 She pressed against him. "Just you," she said. "Do you think your father will

approve of me?"

5 Michael said gently, "That's not really the question. Will your parents approve

of me?"

6 Kay shrugged. "I don't care," she said.

7 Michael said, "I even thought of changing my name, legally, but if something

happened, that wouldn't really help. You sure you want to be a Corleone?" He

Said it only half-jokingly.

8 "Yes," she said without smiling. They pressed against each other. They had

Decided to get married during Christmas week, a quiet civil ceremony at City Hall

With just two friends as witnesses. But Michael had insisted he must tell his

Father. He had explained that his father would not object in any way as long as it

Was not done in secrecy. Kay was doubtful. She said she could not tell her

parents until after the marriage. "Of course they'll think I'm pregnant," she said.

Michael grinned. "So will my parents," he said.

What neither of them mentioned was the fact that Michael would have to cut

His close ties with his family. They both understood that Michael had already

Done so to some extent and yet they both felt guilty about this fact.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 283 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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