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Respect. I must say no to you but I must give you my reasons. The profits in your

Business are huge but so are the risks. Your operation, if I were part of it, could

damage my other interests. It's true I have many, many friends in politics, but

They would not be so friendly if my business were narcotics instead of gambling.

They think gambling is something like liquor, a harmless vice, and they think

narcotics a dirty business. No, don't protest. I'm telling you their thoughts, not

Mine. How a man makes his living is not my concern. And what I am telling you is

That this business of yours is too risky. All the members of my family have lived

well the last ten years, without danger, without harm. I can't endanger them or

their livelihoods out of greed."

2 The only sign of Sollozzo's disappointment was a quick flickering of his eyes

Around the room, as if he hoped Hagen or Sonny would speak in his support.

Then he said, "Are you worried about security for your two million?"

3 The Don smiled coldly. "No," he said.

4 Sollozzo tried again. "The Tattaglia family will guarantee your investment


It was then that Sonny Corleone made an unforgivable error in judgment and

procedure. He said eagerly, "The Tattaglia family guarantees the return of our

investment without any percentage from us?"

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 318 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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