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Hagen and he saw in her eyes a burning, hawklike triumph. Then she too

Disappeared into the limousine.

7 So that was why he hadn't got the plane ride from Los Angeles, Hagen thought.

The girl and her mother had made the trip with the movie producer. That had

Given Woltz enough time to relax before dinner and do the job on the little kid.

And Johnny wanted to live in this world? Good luck to him, and good luck to


1 Paulie Gatto hated quickie jobs (на скорую руку), especially when they involved

violence (особенно если они включали = предполагали насилие). He liked to plan

things ahead (заранее планировать; ahead – предстоящий, впереди). And

something like tonight, even though it was punk stuff, could turn into serious business if

somebody made a mistake. Now, sipping his beer, he glanced around, checking how

the two young punks were making out (справляются, как у них идут дела) with the two

little tramps (шлюшками; tramp – бродяга; /сленг/ проститутка) at the bar.

2 Paulie Gatto knew everything there was to know about those two punks. Their

names were Jerry Wagner and Kevin Moonan. They were both about twenty years old,

good-looking, brown-haired, tall, well-built. Both were due to go back to college

(должны были, ожидалось, что; due – должный, ожидаемый) out of town in two

weeks, both had fathers with political influence and this, with their college student

classification (наряду со студенческим статусом), had so far kept them out of the draft

(пока давало им возможность избежать призыва /в армию/; to draw – тащить,

волочить). They were both also under suspended sentences for assaulting the

daughter of Amerigo Bonasera (за попытку изнасилования; to assault [∂‘so:lt]–

нападать, набрасываться). The lousy bastards (вшивые ублюдки), Paulie Gatto

thought. Draft dodging (уклонение от призыва; to dodge – избегать, увертываться,

уклоняться), violating their probation (нарушение своего условного срока,

освобождения на поруки; to violate [‘vaı∂leıt] – нарушать, попирать) by drinking in a

bar after midnight, chasing floozies (охота на шлюх; to chase – гнаться,

преследовать, охотиться; floozie – шлюха /сленг/). Young punks. Paulie Gatto had

been deferred from the draft himself (ему самому была предоставлена отсрочка; to

defer [dı'f∂:] – задерживать, отсрочивать) because his doctor had furnished the draft

board (предоставил комиссии; to furnish – снабжать, предоставлять) with

documents showing that this patient, male, white, aged twenty-six, unmarried, had

received electrical shock treatments (лечение, процедуры; to treat – обращаться;

лечить) for a mental condition (состояние психики, психическое состояние; condition

– условие; состояние, положение). All false of course, but Paulie Gatto felt that he

had earned his draft exemption (что заработал свое освобождение /от армии/). It had

been arranged by Clemenza after Gatto had "made his bones" («сделал свои кости» =

прошел испытание, совершив преступление) in the family business.

3 It was Clemenza who had told him that this job must be rushed through (должно

быть проделано очень быстро; to rush – делать бросок, нестись), before the boys

went to college. Why the hell did it have to be done in New York (это должно быть

сделано), Gatto wondered. Clemenza was always giving extra orders instead of just

giving out the job. Now if those two little tramps walked out with the punks it would be

another night wasted (потрачена зря; to waste – тратить /зря/).

4 He could hear one of the girls laughing and saying, "Are you crazy, Jerry? I'm not

going in any car with you. I don't want to wind up in the hospital (кончить в госпитале;

to wind up – сматывать, подтягивать, заканчивать; to wind – наматывать) like that

other poor girl." Her voice was spitefully rich with satisfaction (был полон язвительного

злорадства: «злорадно насыщен удовлетворением»; spiteful – злорадный,

язвительный; spite – злоба, озлобленность). That was enough for Gatto. He finished

up his beer and walked out into the dark street. Perfect. It was after midnight. There was

only one other bar that showed light. The rest of the stores were closed (остальные

магазины были закрыты; store – склад; магазин). The precinct patrol car (о

/полицейской/ машине, патрулирующей участок; precinct [‘pri:sıŋkt]–

административный округ, относящийся к определенному полицейскому участку)

had been taken care of by Clemenza (позаботился). They wouldn't be around that way

until they got a radio call (не заедут сюда, пока не получат вызова) and then they'd

come slow (и даже тогда приедут медленно).

5 He leaned against the four-door Chevy sedan. In the back seat two men were sitting,

almost invisible, although they were very big men. Paulie said, "Take them when they

come out."

6 He still thought it had all been set up too fast (подготовлено, спланировано

слишком быстро). Clemenza had given him copies of the police mug shots

(полицейских фотографий; mug – /пивная/ кружка; /сленг/ лицо, рот; mug shot –

фотография /сделанная в полиции/) of the two punks, the dope (подсказку; dope –

густое смазывающее вещество, смазка; to dope up – /сленг/ выискивать, выяснять)

on where the punks went drinking every night to pick up bar girls. Paulie had recruited

two of the strong-arms (громил) in the family and fingered the punks for them (указал).

He had also given them their instructions. No blows on the top or the back of the head

(никаких ударов по темени или затылку), there was to be no accidental fatality (не

должно быть никаких случайных несчастных случаев; fatality [f∂'tжlıtı] – рок,

обреченность, фатальность; смерть /от несчастного случая/). Other than that (в

остальном же) they could go as far as they liked. He had given them only one warning:

"If those punks get out of the hospital in less than a month, you guys go back to driving


7 The two big men were getting out of the car. They were both ex-boxers who had

never made it past the small clubs (которым никогда не удалось выбраться за

пределы маленьких клубов) and had been fixed up by Sonny Corleone (были

обеспечены /долей/; to fixed up – организовать, уладить, договориться; дать приют)

with a little loan-shark action (loan-shark – гангстер-ростовщик, человек, ссужающий

деньги под грабительские проценты; to loan – одалживать, ссужать + shark – акула)

so that they could make a decent living (достойное существование, достойный

заработок). They were, naturally, anxious to show their gratitude (стремились

показать свою благодарность; anxious [‘жŋk∫∂s] – озабоченный, беспокоящийся;

сильно желающий /чего-либо/).

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 265 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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