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Leader. Yeah, I heard that story too. Listen, your Mr. Corleone will never know

what hit him. Even if I have to use my influence at the White House."

4 The stupid, stupid son of a bitch. How the hell did he get to be a pezzonovante,

Hagen wondered. Advisor to the President, head of the biggest movie studio in

The world. Definitely the Don should get into the movie business. And the guy

Was taking his words at their sentimental face value. He was not getting the


5 "Thank you for the dinner and a pleasant evening," Hagen said. "Could you

give me transportation to the airport? I don't think I'll spend the night." He smiled

coldly at Woltz. "Mr. Corleone is a man who insists on hearing bad news at once."

While waiting in the floodlit colonnade of the mansion for his car, Hagen saw

Two women about to enter a long limousine already parked in the driveway. They

Were the beautiful twelve-year-old blond girl and her mother he had seen in

Woltz's office that morning. But now the girl's exquisitely cut mouth seemed to

Have smeared into a thick, pink mass. Her sea-blue eyes were filmed over and

When she walked down the steps toward the open car her long legs tottered like a

crippled foal's. Her mother supported the child, helping her into the car, hissing

commands into her ear. The mother's head turned for a quick furtive look at

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 296 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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