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Hagen. Later in the day Hagen had, also in private without witnesses, instructed

Clemenza. In turn Clemenza had told Paulie Gatto to execute the commission.

Paulie Gatto would now muster the necessary manpower and execute the orders.

Paulie Gatto and his men would not know why this particular task was being

Carried out or who had ordered it originally. Each link of the chain would have to

Turn traitor for the Don to be involved and though it had never yet happened,

There was always the possibility. The cure for that possibility also was known.

Only one link in the chain had to disappear.

5 The Consigliori was also what his name implied. He was the counselor to the

Don, his right-hand man, his auxiliary brain. He was also his closest companion

and his closest friend. On important trips he would drive the Don's car, at

Conferences he would go out and get the Don refreshments, coffee and

Sandwiches, fresh cigars. He would know everything the Don knew or nearly

Everything, all the cells of power. He was the one man in the world who could

bring the Don crashing down to destruction. But no Consigliori had ever betrayed

A Don, not in the memory of any of the powerful Sicilian families who had

Established themselves in America. There was no future in it. And every

Consigliori knew that if he kept the faith, he would become rich, wield power and

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 294 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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