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Clemenza. The car was large, luxurious and driven by Gatto. Clemenza sat in the

Back seat and Kay was given the front seat next to the driver. She found both

Men wildly exotic. Their speech was movie Brooklynese and they treated her with

Exaggerated courtliness. During the ride she chatted casually with both men and

Was surprised when they spoke of Michael with unmistakable affection and

respect. He had led her to believe that he was an alien in his father's world. Now

Clemenza was assuring her in his wheezing gutteral voice that the "old man"

Thought Mike was the best of his sons, the one who would surely inherit the

Family business.

5 "What business is that?" Kay asked in the most natural way.

Paulie Gatto gave her a quick glance as he turned the wheel. Behind her

Clemenza said in a surprised voice. "Didn't Mike tell you? Mr. Corleone is the

Biggest importer of Italian olive oil in the States. Now that the war is over the

business could get real rich. He'll need a smart boy like Mike."

At the hotel Clemenza insisted on coming to the desk with her. When she

protested, he said simply, "The boss said to make sure you got home OK. I gotta

do it."

After she received her room key he walked her to the elevator and waited until

She got in. She waved to him, smiling, and was surprised at his genuine smile of

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 296 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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