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You left your family, your children without a father, to marry a whore and you

weep because they don't welcome you back with open arms. The whore, you

don't hit her in the face because she is making a picture, then you are amazed

because she laughs at you. You lived like a fool and you have come to a fool's


4 Don Corleone paused to ask in a patient voice, "Are you willing to take my

advice this time?"

5 Johnny Fontane shrugged. "I can't marry Ginny again, not the way she wants. I

Have to gamble, I have to drink, I have to go out with the boys. Beautiful broads

Run after me and I never could resist them. Then I used to feel like a heel when I

went back to Ginny. Christ, I can't go through all that crap again."

6 It was rare that Don Corleone showed exasperation. "'I didn't tell you to get

married again. Do what you want. It's good you wish to be a father to your

Children. A man who is not a father to his children can never be a real man. But

then, you must make their mother accept you. Who says you can't see them every

day? Who says you can't live in the same house? Who says you can't live your

life exactly as you want to live it?"

7 Johnny Fontane laughed. "Godfather, not all women are like the old Italian

wives. Ginny won't stand for it."

8 Now the Don was mocking. "Because you acted like a finocchio. You gave her

more than the court said. You didn't hit the other in the face because she was

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 265 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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