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Tom Hagen held out his hand when Johnny came into the room. Johnny shook

it and said, "How are you, Tom?" But without his usual charm that consisted of a

Genuine warmth for people. Hagen was a little hurt by this coolness but shrugged

it off. It was one of the penalties for being the Don's hatchet man.

2 Johnny Fontane said to the Don, "When I got the wedding invitation I said to

myself, 'My Godfather isn't mad at me anymore.' I called you five times after my

divorce and Tom always told me you were out or busy so I knew you were sore."

3 Don Corleone was filling glasses from the yellow bottle of Strega. "That's all

forgotten. Now. Can I do something for you still? You're not too famous, too rich,

that I can't help you?"

Johnny gulped down the yellow fiery liquid and held out his glass to be refilled.

He tried to sound jaunty. "I'm not rich, Godfather. I'm going down. You were right.

I should never have left my wife and kids for that tramp I married. I don't blame

you for getting sore at me."

5 The Don shrugged. "I worried about you, you're my godson, that's all."

6 Johnny paced up and down the room. "I was crazy about that bitch. The

Biggest star in Hollywood. She looks like an angel. And you know what she does

after a picture? If the makeup man does a good job on her face, she lets him bang

Her. If the cameraman made her look extra good, she brings him into her dressing

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 261 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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