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Amerigo Bonasera followed Hagen into the corner room of the house and

Found Don Corleone sitting behind a huge desk. Sonny Corleone was standing by

The window, looking out into the garden. For the first time that afternoon the Don

Behaved coolly. He did not embrace the visitor or shake hands. The sallow-faced

Undertaker owed his invitation to the fact that his wife and the wife of the Don

Were the closest of friends. Amerigo Bonasera himself was in severe disfavor

With Don Corleone.

2 Bonasera began his request obliquely and cleverly. "You must excuse my

daughter, your wife's goddaughter, for not doing your family the respect of

coming today. She is in the hospital still." He glanced at Sonny Corleone and

Tom Hagen to indicate that he did not wish to speak before them. But the Don

Was merciless.

3 "We all know of your daughter's misfortune," Don Corleone said. "If I can help

Her in any way, you have only to speak. My wife is her godmother after all. I have

never forgotten that honor." This was a rebuke. The undertaker never called Don

Corleone "Godfather" as custom dictated.

4 Bonasera, ashen-faced, asked, directly now, "May I speak to you alone?"

5 Don Corleone shook his head. "I trust these two men with my life. They are my

two right arms. I cannot insult them by sending them away."

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 376 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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