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Body received the savage arrows of his lightning-like thrusts; innumerable,

Torturing; arching her pelvis higher and higher until for the first time in her life

She reached a shattering climax, felt his hardness break and then the crawly flood

Of semen over her thighs. Slowly her legs relaxed from around his body, slid

Down until they reached the floor. They leaned against each other, out of breath.

It might have been going on for some time but now they could hear the soft

Knocking on the door. Sonny quickly buttoned his trousers, meanwhile blocking

The door so that it could not be opened. Lucy frantically smoothed down her pink

Gown, her eyes flickering, but the thing that had given her so much pleasure was

hidden inside sober black cloth. Then they heard Tom Hagen's voice, very low,

"Sonny, you in there?"

6 Sonny sighed with relief. He winked at Lucy. "Yeah, Tom, what is it?"

Hagen's voice, still low, said, "The Don wants you in his office. Now." They could

Hear his footsteps as he walked away. Sonny waited for a few moments, gave

Lucy a hard kiss on the lips, and then slipped out the door after Hagen.

Lucy combed her hair. She checked her dress and pulled around her garter

Straps. Her body felt bruised, her lips pulpy and tender. She went out the door

And though she felt the sticky wetness between her thighs she did not go to the

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 327 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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