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Anger of the Don, reduced the poor undertaker to a quivering jelly but he spoke

up bravely again. "I ask you for justice."

7 Don Corleone said curtly, "The court gave you justice."

8 Bonasera shook his head stubbornly. "No. They gave the youths justice. They

did not give me justice."

The Don acknowledged this fine distinction with an approving nod, then asked,

"What is your justice?"

10 "An eye for an eye," Bonasera said.

11 "You asked for more," the Don said. "Your daughter is alive."

12 Bonasera said reluctantly, "Let them suffer as she suffers." The Don waited

For him to speak further. Bonasera screwed up the last of his courage and said,

"How much shall I pay you?" It was a despairing wail.

Don Corleone turned his back. It was a dismissal. Bonasera did not budge.

Finally, sighing, a good-hearted man who cannot remain angry with an erring

Friend, Don Corleone turned back to the undertaker, who was now as pale as one

of his corpses. Don Corleone was gentle, patient. "Why do you fear to give your

first allegiance to me?" he said. "You go to the law courts and wait for months.

You spend money on lawyers who know full well you are to be made a fool of.

You accept judgment from a judge who sells himself like the worst whore in the

Streets. Years gone by, when you needed money, you went to the banks and paid

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 260 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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