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V. Read and say if the sentences are true or false according to the text about friendship online. Correct the wrong statements

1. Susan has always wanted to make friends online.

2. The girls became friends five years ago.

3. The girls give regular updates about how things have been in their lives.

4. The girls share common interests such as students’ life, music, shopping and most of all, beauty!

5. Susan would love to visit museums with her friend.

6. Susan is glad to have a friend in another country.

VI. Write 10 questions to interview your friend about people he/she communicates with. What tense forms are you going to use in your questions?

VII. ‘Friend’ is a word that can be related to all generations, age groups, and all types of people. Whether you’re young or old, you need friends to survive. Make a dialogue about the way to choose friends. Do you prefer meeting someone in person or socializing via the Internet? Where do people usually find friends? Use the active words and word-combinations.


I. Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations:

untidy неохайний
optimistic оптимістичний
sociable комунікабельний
talkative балакучий
reserved стриманий
shy сором’язливий
impatient нетерплячий
ambitious честолюбний
lazy ледачий
generous добрий
moody похмурий
hard-working працьовитий
easy-going добродушний
reliable надійний
cheerful веселий, енергійний
sensitive чутливий
bossy той, що любить розпоряджатися
indecisive нерішучий
self-centred егоїстичний
conscientious добропорядний, свідомий
punctual пунктуальний
argumentative той, що любить сперечатися
dominant домінантний

II.What is your position in your family?

A first-born a middle child

a last-born an only child

III. Match the characteristics in the box to the definitions below:

ambitious bossy easy-going conscientious indecisive dynamic organised punctual self-centred sensitive

This person …

1) does things in a careful, well-planned way. – organised

2) always thinks about him/himself.

3) always tells other people what to do.

4) often arrives on time.

5) is easily upset.

6) always does a job well.

7) wants to be successful.

8) can’t decide about things.

9) is very calm.

10) is full of energy and ideas.

IV. Read the text and mark the characteristics in exercise 2: OC (only child), FB (first-born), MC (middle child) or LB (last-born).

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 1025 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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