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VII. Fill in the table matching the sports with the right kinds of engagements


VIII. Give the names for the illustrated ways of swimming:

S _ _ _ _ _

B _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ _

R _ _ _

B _ t _ _ _ _ _ _

X. Match the words with the right numbers in the picture:

……. bridle ……harness ……reins ……riding crop

…….saddle ……stirrup

XI. Indicate which equipment is used in the following kinds of sport:

  ball bat bow club gloves oar racket rod stick
ping pong                  

IX. Repeat active vocabulary and be ready to speak about your favourite kind of sport and the equipment you need for it.


I. Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations:

sport event спортивна подія
to host приймати на своїй території, проводити
worthwhile вигідний
to stage організовувати
to cater for обслуговувати, піклуватися про
welfare благополуччя
to incur брати на себе, підвергатися
debt борг
merit заслуга
beyond за межами, крім
occasion можливість, випадок
sport legacy спортивна спадщина
honour честь
to bid for smth вести боротьбу за що-небудь
sufficient fund достатній капітал
anthem гімн
banned заборонений
broadcaster ведучий, диктор, коментатор
to compete змагатися
doping допінг
participant/contestant учасник
motto девіз
to postpone переносити (початок змагання)
to win a competition виграти змагання
to win a prize/title виграти приз/отримати титул
to lose a competition програти змагання
to win a victory over opponent in a competition, game одержати перемогу над суперником у змагання, грі
strong/weak opponent сильний/слабкий суперник
to break/to beat a record побити рекорд

II. Many people want their country to host an international sport event. Others believe that international sport events bring more problems than benefits. Discuss both views and state your opinion.

There is frequently great competition to host international sport events. Not everyone, however, believes that the price involved in hosting such events is worthwhile. For me, this is an understandable point of view and perhaps not every country should try and stage international sport events.

The major argument against hosting international sport events is financial. Typically, it can cost several million pounds to build the arenas and modernize the infrastructure so that it can cater for the athletes and the spectators. This money, it is argued, would be better to spend on welfare and education programmes that provide direct support for the population. Indeed, some governments have incurred so much debt through hosting the Olympic Games that they have had to reduce spending on other social programmes.

While there is some merit in that argument, hosting sport events also brings significant benefits. First among them are the honour and prestige which bring to the host country because that country will be the centre of the sport world for the duration of the event. For many people this is beyond any price. More than that, if the authorities plan carefully, they can use the occasion of the sport event to help finance public works that benefit the whole population in the long term. For example, the village for the athletes can be transformed into public housing and the various stadiums can be used to build a sport legacy for future generations.

My own view is that it is an honour for a country to host a major sport event. However, if a government wishes to bid for an international event to be staged in its country, it should ensure it has sufficient funds to maintain spending on other projects.

III. Answer the following questions to the text:

1. Is it worthwhile to host international sport events?

2. Why do people sometimes think that it would be better to spend money on welfare?

3. Does hosting sport events bring significant benefits?

4. What does the word combination “a sport legacy” mean?

5. What should the government do if they want to host international sport events?

IV. Read the Sport Definitions. Choose the correct answer:

1. The person who blows his whistle during a football match is the manager / referee.

2. The large electronic sign which gives information about the match is the notice board / scoreboard.

3. The place where the players get changed before a match is the dressing room / waiting room.

4. A footballer whose job is to score goals is a defender / striker.

5. The thing you use to hit the ball in table tennis is a table tennis bat / stick.

6. The ‘seat’ that goes on a horse’s back is called a saddle / sofa.

7. The person you are playing against is your opponent / opposite.

V. Give definitions for the words in A using the phrases in B and C and a relative pronoun (where, who, which, whose) if necessary:

For example: A stadium is a place where people watch sporting events.

A) A stadium is … B) a device …

a defender is … the person …

the coach is … a player …

goggles are … a place …

a racquet is … a thing …

a stopwatch is … things …

C) …job is to stop the other team scoring goals.

… people watch sporting events.

…you wear when you are swimming or skiing.

… chooses the team.

… counts time very accurately.

… you use to hit the ball in tennis.

VI. Practice the following dialogue:

A: Hello, Boris! What about playing football?

B: I prefer to watch sports tournaments on TV.

A: Yes, I’m too. I like watching sport programs, especially world championships and the Olympic Games.

B: Oh, yes, the Olympic Games - what a fantastic show! I always support our team. And even the history itself of the Olympic Federation is impressive.

A: You obviously know a lot about this.

B: Well, I read about it. The Olympic Games originated in Ancient Greece. They were held in honour of Zeus, they lasted over 5 days and they acted as a symbol of world peace, so that for the duration of the Olympics all military operations were stopped.

A: So what sort of sport events did they have in the games?

B: This is interesting too. For instance, there was chariot racing, but apart from that, ancient athletes even competed in events similar to our sport activities: running, jumping, wrestling, horse racing and so on.

A: How interesting! So did they have medals for the winners? Gold or silver ones?

B: No. The winners received laurel wreaths in the temple of Zeus.

A: But isn’t there a great gap in the history of the Olympic Games? Do you know why that happened?

B: No, I don’t.

A: I heard about that Frenchman, Pieere de Coubertaine. Didn’t he reinstate the games?

B: Yes, his name appeared in the written history of the Olympic Federation.

A: So who decides the city and the country for the next performance of the Olympics?

B: There is the International Olympic Committee. At present more than one hundred and fifty countries are members.

A: It is always pleasing when our sportsmen win medals, isn’t it?

B: Yes, since 1994 our sportsmen broke many records and they brought back a host of gold, silver and bronze medals.

A: I think that it is really fascinating. Settled! Let’s play football!

VII. Read the information about the Olympic Games:

The Olympic Games have a very long history. They began more than two thousand years ago in Greece. The Greeks were fond of music, plays, and all kinds of physical exercises. The famous games at Olympia took place every four years and all cities in Greece sent their athletes to take part in them. The strongest athletes came together to run jump, wrestle, throw the discus, box. The games were very popular and thousands of Greeks used to watch them.

It became a tradition even to stop wars for the time of the Olympic Games and the people lived in peace.

The winners in each kind of sport got an olive wreath, which was the highest honor.

For a long time, from 394 till 1896 there were no Olympic Games. Since 1896 the best athletes of the world have met again every four years. The Olympic flag has five coloured interlaced rings, representing the five parts of the world on a white background. The Olympic flag was first used in1920. The motto of the Olympic Games is “Citius, Altius, Fortius” (Faster, Higher, Stronger).

The capitals of many countries have been Olympic cities—Athens, Paris, London, Berlin, Helsinki, Rome, Tokyo, Mexico, Montreal and some others. In 1980 Moscow hosted the 22nd Olympic Games. Ukraine joined the Olympic Games in 1994.

VIII. Answer the following questions to the text above:

1. How often and where did the ancient Olympic Games take place?

2. What kinds of sport did they include?

3. When did the modern Olympic Games begin?

4. What are the winners in each event given?

5. Why are the Olympic Games so important?

6. What is the motto of the Olympic Games?

7. What is the Olympic flag like?

8. What capitals have been the Olympic cities?

IX. Do the following quiz to understand how you remember the information about the Olympic Games:

1. The Ancient Games were first held in …
a) Italy
b) Germany
c) Greece
d) Spain

2. The first of the Modern Olympic Games were held in …
a) London
b) Barcelona
c) Rome
d) Athens

3. The first of the Modern Olympic Games were held in …
a) 1876
b) 1896
c) 1906

d) 1916

4. The Olympic Games are held every …
a) 2 years
b) 4 years
c) 6 years
d) 8 years

5. The 1980 Winter Olympic Games were held in …
a) Los Angeles
b) Montreal
c) Moscow
d) Lake Placid

6. The Olympic symbol is …
a) 4 interlaced squares
b) 5 interlaced rings
c) 3 blue stars
d) 4 red stars

7. The second place winner at an Olympic event receives …
a) a silver medal
b) a gold medal
c) a bronze medal
d) a certificate

8. The 2014 Winter Olympics were held in …
a) Russia
b) USA
c) Canada
d) Germany

X. Make a dialogue about the importance of sport events in our life. What are the advantages? Do they have any disadvantages? Why are the Olympic Games so important? Find and use some facts about the sport career and the achievements of the outstanding Ukrainian sportsmen.


I. Think of one particular day/event in your life that connects with sport: either a good one or a bad one. What made you remember this event? Write notes on the following questions:

- when the event happened;

- who you spend this event with (or you were alone);

- what kind of memories you’ve kept for years;

- what life lessons you got from it.

II. Do you agree with Bob Hope’s quote “If you watch a game, it’s fun. If you play it, it’s recreation”. Imagine that you’re going to participate in a college sport competition in a month. Use these ideas to make notes:

- when the competition will take place;

- who will participate;

- what should be done before the competition start.


I. Before your listening or watching the video think about the following questions:

· What extreme sports do you know?

· Have you or has anyone you know tried an extreme sport?

· What are the most popular extreme sports in your country?

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 656 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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