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UNIT 6. The State System of the USA


Exercise 1. Read the words below and put them in the correct place in the box.

The US Congress, the House of Representatives, courts of appeals, the Vice President, the President, the Senate, the Cabinet, Federal district courts, the Supreme Court.

Executive power Legislative power Judicial power

Exercise 2. Close your book. How many words can you remember from each column in exercise 1?

Exercise 3. To become a citizen of the United States of America a person must pass the Naturalization exam. This exam consists of a civics portion to test understanding of the American history, society and civics as well as an English language test which shows that a person is able to speak, read and write English. The civics part tests knowledge and understanding of the government of the U.S. Answer the questions of the Naturalization civics test.

1. What is the supreme law of the USA?

2. Name branches of the US government.

3. Who is in charge of the executive branch?

4. How is the legislative branch organized?

5. What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?

6. How is the judicial branch organized?

7. What are the two major political parties in the United


Exercise 4. Translate the sentences into English.

1. По конституции США федеральное правительство включает три ветви власти: исполнительную, законодательную, судебную.

2. Президент избирается каждые четыре года и возглавляет исполнительную власть.

3. Президент предлагает законопроекты в Конгресс, заключает договоры, назначает федеральных судей.

4. Законодательная власть представлена Конгрессом США, который состоит из Сената и Палаты представителей.

5. Судебная власть принадлежит федеральным судам и судам штатов.

6. Первые 10 поправок конституции – Билль о Правах – гарантирует индивидуальные свободы: свободу слова, религии и собраний, право на справедливый суд и безопасность жилища.


Exercise 5. Speak on the US State System.


Exercise 6. You can see the dialogue between the examiner and the naturalization applicant below. Study the applicant’s answers and complete the examiner’s questions.

Examiner: …?

Applicant: The supreme law of the USA is the Constitution.

Examiner: …?

Applicant: There are 3 branches – legislative, judicial and executive.

Examiner: …?

Applicant: The executive power is represented by the US President, the Vice President and the Cabinet.

Examiner: …?

Applicant: The legislative branch is represented by the Congress.

Examiner: …?

Applicant: The Congress consists of two chambers – The Senate and the House of Representatives.

Examiner: …?

Applicant: The judicial branch is represented by Federal district courts, courts of appeals and the Supreme Court.

Examiner: …?

Applicant: There are two main parties – the Democrats and the Republicans.

Exercise 7. Roleplay the dialogue between the examiner and the naturalization applicant from the very beginning. Follow the plan. Use the phrases from the box. Mention the names of the current US President and Vice President.

1. Form of Government

2. The legislative power

3. The executive power

4. The judicial power

5. Parties

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 900 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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