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Unit 5. The state system of Great Britain


Exercise 1. Read and translate the words.

Parliamentary government, monarchy, branch of power, chamber, Parliament, Members of Parliament, the House of Lords, the House of Commons, head, rule, overrule, reign, sovereign, court, legislative, executive, judicial.

Exercise 2. Read the text and put the words in bold in the correct place in the box.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a parliamentary monarchy. That means that the country is headed by the Queen whose power is limited by Parliament. The chief executive is the Prime Minister. He is the head of the government and the leader of the majority party in the House of Commons. The Prime Minister selects high officials and heads the Cabinet of Ministers. The legislature, Parliament, consists of two chambers, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. MPs are members of Parliament elected from each constituency to the House of Commons. The judiciary is independent but it cannot overrule the Prime Minister of Parliament. The judicial power is represented by courts and administered by the Ministry of Justice and the Lord Chancellor.

Executive power Legislative power Judicial power

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box below.

election constituency Prime Minister majority chambers MPs

Parliament in the UK consists of two (1) ___: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. In the House of Commons there are 650 (2) ___, each representing one (3) ___. The ruling party in the Commons is the one which gains a (4) ___ of seats. The main figure in that party is called the (5) ___. The Commons is elected for a maximum period of 5 years although the Prime Minister may call a general (6) ____ at any time within that period.

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with the words below.

The State Duma, elected, makes laws, the Council of Federation, representative, approval, the Federal Assembly, decisions, the Prime Minister, Parliament, the House of Lords, presidential republic, appoints, the House of Commons, the Chairman of the Government, judicial, parliamentary monarchy, the Supreme Court.

Let’s compare the political systems of two countries: Great Britain and Russia. Great Britain is a (1) ____ that means that the Queen is the official head of state but she has mostly (2) ____ functions. That is although she gives the royal (3) ___ to the bills passed by the British Parliament, she doesn’t have any real power, so she can’t make her own political (4) ____. The head of Government in the UK is the (5) ____. The legislative branch of power is represented by the (6) ____ which consists of two chambers (7) ____ and (8) ____.

As for the state system of the Russian Federation it is a (9) ____. The head of state is the President (10) ____ by the people. The President (11) ____ the (12) ____ whose appointment must be approved by the State Duma and the Council of Federation, the two chambers of (13) ____. (14) ____ is the lower chamber. Its members are elected every 4 years. (15) ____ is the upper chamber of the Federal Assembly, and it consists of two representatives from each federal subject. The Federal Assembly (16) ____, so it represents the legislative branch of power. The (17) ____ branch of power is represented by (18) ____ and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.


Exercise 5. Complete and roleplay the dialogue.

Speaker 1. As far as I know, Great Britain is a monarchy, isn’t it?

Speaker 2. Yes, but to be more exact, the United Kingdom is……..

The Queen’s power is not absolute.

Speaker 1. Do you mean that her powers are limited?

Speaker 2. ….

Speaker 1. What are the real organs of government in the UK?

Speaker 2. ….

Speaker 1. ….

Speaker 2. The House of Commons is elected every 5 years. The membership in the House of Lords is hereditary.

Speaker 1. Tell me, please, about the executive branch?

Speaker 2. The highest executive body is ….

Speaker 1. Is the Prime Minister appointed?

Speaker 2. Yes, he is. The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the party which has a majority in the House of Commons.

Speaker 1. And where is the residence of the Prime Minister located?

Speaker 2. The residence of the Prime Minister is located in London, 10 Downing Street.

Speaker 1. ….

Speaker 2. The judicial power is represented by courts with the House of Lords at the top.

Speaker 1. Thanks a lot for information.

Speaker 2. You are welcome.

Exercise 6. Try this political quiz.

1. Name three monarchs of the UK.

2. Who is the Queen of Great Britain?

3. Name three members of the Royal Family?

4. What is the surname of the British Royal Family?

5. Who will be the next King?

6. What are the main official duties of the Queen?

7. Why does the British national anthem begin with the words: «God save our gracious Queen»?

8. What are the main political parties in the UK?

9. Who is the most known political figure in the UK?

10. Who heads the Government in the UK?

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 1458 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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