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In this section you write what you did that had a lasting impact for your company or client. It is a result that you personally bring about while working your job.

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Exercise 9. Role play a mock trial. Choose a role card.


On February 29 the complainant found his car (2014 Renault Duster license number 654 AK) stolen from the parking lot near his house. The next day the police officer stopped this car and arrested the driver. The defendant’s fingerprints were on the keys used to steal the car.

Remember that events in a trial take place in a particular order:

Step 1. Opening a court session. The presiding judge opens a session and announces the composition of the court.

Step 2. Opening statements. The lawyers for each side express their views on the case. The public prosecutor goes first and the defence lawyer goes next.

Step 3. Presentation of evidence. Witnesses are called and physical exhibits are shown.

Step 4. Final arguments. The final arguments are the lawyers’ last chance to talk about the evidence and to try to convince the judge to see the case the way they do.

Step 5. Deliberation. The judge goes to the retiring room to decide on the case.

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 550 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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