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The changing workplace

Task 1. Think about a job you would like to have. Read the statements below and decide how important each would be regarding that job. Rate the statements from 1 to 10 depending on their importance in your future job (1 being the most important; 10 – the least important). When you are done, compare your answers with a partner.

o I will have the opportunity to interact with others.

o My opinion will be asked for and valued.

o The tasks will be challenging.

o I will be paid well.

o My work will be useful to society.

o All employees will be treated with respect.

o I will have the potential for advancement.

o My work tasks will be varied.

o I will have the opportunity to be creative.

o The work hours will be flexible.

Task 2. Discuss in a small group:

1. What would an ideal job be like for you?

2. If you had to make a choice, which of the following jobs would you choose? Why?

a) a job that offered personal satisfaction and opportunity for growth but didn’t pay much;

b) a job that wasn't enjoyable or satisfying but paid an excellent salary.

Task 3. Read the results of a survey below. How different were your answers in Task 2 from those presented here?

What makes a good workplace?

A team of researchers (Levine et al. 1984) set out to identify the characteristics that individuals believe make for a good job. The characteristics mentioned by over 450 employees were:

  1. My bosses treat me with respect and have confidence in my abilities.
  2. There is variety in my daily work.
  3. I find challenge in my work.
  4. There is an opportunity for advancement.
  5. The work I do contributes to society.

Notice that income is not on the list. Workers do want their work to give them an adequate income, but they also value respect, variety, challenge, and advancement.

Are you surprised with the results of this survey? Why do you think income turned out to be less important than respect, variety, challenge and opportunity for advancement? Read the text “The changing workplace” and try to find the answer to the question.

Task 4. Read the text and translate it in the written form.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 483 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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