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Task 1. Study the SQR3 technique for working with texts and do the activities integrated in the explanation.

SQR3: Survey (S), Question (Q), Read, Recite, and Review (R3) Many books about studying at college recommend the SQR3 approach to reading. The SQR3 approach helps you become an active reader. Active readers do not simply pick up a text and read it. They do tasks before reading, while reading, and after reading. These tasks help them understand and remember what they have read.

Now, we will look at the first three steps only – survey, question, and read.

1. Survey When you survey a text before reading it closely, you look at titles, headings, subheadings, highlighted words, pictures, graphs, and charts. You also look quickly through the text - perhaps reading some parts, such as the introduction and conclusion, more closely.

· Survey the text "Inequality at Work." Report to the group about what you looked at and what you found out.

2. Question Before you read a text, you should think about what the text will tell you. One way to do this is to make up questions you think will be answered by the text. As you read, you should keep checking to see if your questions are being answered.

· On the basis of your survey, write down some questions that you think the text will answer. Look especially at any headings or highlighted words. One question, for example, might be "What is sexism?" Compare your questions with others in the class.

3. Read You should read a text as if you are looking for the answers to your questions. Of course, you may not find the answers to all your questions because the answers may not be there. Also, you may find out much more than these answers as you read. But looking for answers is a good strategy to make you read actively.

Task 2. Read the text "Inequality at Work" with your questions in mind and then translate it in the written form.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 417 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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