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D. Types of work

I have a lot of paperwork to do by tomorrow, [letters/reports to write, forms to complete]

My father did manual work all his life and was very fit. [hard and physical]

I think I'd like vocational work, like being a nurse or a teacher. [which helps people]

Task 2. Correct the mistakes in this paragraph.

I think I have a good work relationship with most of my colleagues. I tried to establish a good report with them from the very beginning. The person I like most is my opposite member in our office in Paris. Generally, when I socialise to my colleagues outside of work, we try not to talk about shop, but it's not easy and sometimes we have a good gossip about people who are not there.

Task 3. Give three adjectives which you think describe each of these jobs (for example, stressful, glamorous, dead-end). Think of words you would use in your own language, then try to translate them into English. Use a dictionary if necessary.

1. assembly-line worker

2. shop steward

3. PR officer

4. bodyguard

  1. lifeguard
  2. trawlerman
  3. private eye
  4. refuse collector

Task 4. Use words and phrases from B and C in Task 1 to complete these sentences.

  1. I would get bored if I had a nine.....................................................................
  2. When I arrive in the morning and leave the office in the evening I use this card to …………………………..
  3. I'm very tired; recently I've had a very heavy.....................................................................
  4. I don't want an office job. I don't want to spend all day stuck.............................................
  5. I can clock in any time between eight and ten and clock out between four and six; I'm on.....................................................................
  6. I'd hate to feel trapped in my job and to be stuck in............................................................
  7. He's not here this evening, he's working nights; you see, he does.......................................
  8. I work for different companies at different times as it suits me. I'm..................................
  9. I used to work for someone else, but now I'm my own boss; I'm.......................................
  10. I stopped working in the hamburger restaurant. It was just a dead-....................................
  11. When I was working in the factory, all I could think of all day was the moment when I could knock.....................................................................
  12. Being a nurse is a good job, but you can't go out much with friends. The hours are a bit.....................................................................

Task 5. Using a dictionary if necessary, give one example of...

  1. a manual job
  2. a vocational job
  3. a job with great variety
  4. a job with irregular hours
  5. a job with routine tasks
  6. a job with regular deadlines
  7. a job with lots of paperwork

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 1054 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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