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Covering letter

Task 8. Read the letter Angela sent with her application form, CV and personal statement to apply for a job as a sports coach. Can you put these words in the correct position in the letter?

a) most convenient
b) successful applicant
c) as requested
d) advertised in
e) hearing from
f) find enclosed
g) application form
h) take up

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for the job of sports coach (1)______ yesterday's Daily News. I notice that the (2)_______ will be required to (3)_______ the post in September of this year, which would be (4)_______ for me. Please (5)_______ my CV and personal statement, (6)______, together with my completed (7)_______.

I look forward to (8)________ you,

Yours faithfully,

Angela Taylor

Task 9. Here’s another example of a covering letter (a.k.a. a letter of application). Fill in the gaps with one suitable word. The initial letters of each word are given.

Dear Mr Saleh,

I am writing to (1) a_________ for the position of Editorial Assistant which was (2) a_________ in the latest edition of Gulf News.

I am currently (3) e_________ by a Market Research company as a research assistant, but am keen to (4) p_________ a career in publishing, because I enjoy reading and write my own poetry.

As you will notice on the (5) e_________ CV, I graduated in European Literature. At University I gained considerable (6) e_________ working on the student magazine, so I am (7) f_________ with editing techniques. I work well under (8) p_________ and enjoy working in a team. In addition, I speak English (9) f_________.

I would be (10) a_________ for interview from next week. Meanwhile, please do not (11) h_________ to contact me if you require further information.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Margaret Roan

Task 10. Look at the following tips for writing covering letters. For each one decide whether it’s true or false.

1. The letter should be as friendly and informal as possible - True / False?

2. You should avoid slang & idiomatic language - True / False?

3. Your sentences should be long and complex - True / False?

4. It is fine to use contracted forms (e.g. I'm, it's) - True / False?

5. Emotive words (wonderful, great, terrible) should be avoided - True / False?

Task 11. Here are some common phrases you might use when writing a covering letter. However, the prepositions are missing. Insert the correct ones choosing words from the table below.

to of under in for

I would like to apply (1) ___ the position (2) ___

If you would like to discuss this (3) ___ more detail

I enjoy working (4) ___ pressure

I was (5) ___ charge (6) ___

I was responsible (7) ___

With reference (8) ___

Let’s revise what you have learnt.

Task 12. Can you rewrite these sentences changing the words in italic into more formal language?

  1. I would like to try and find a career in this field.
  2. I am looking forward to doing all different kinds of sports.
  3. I can type and also use a word processor.
  4. I am good at dealing with young people.
  5. I now have a part-time job.
  6. I can use a computer.
  7. Whoever is chosen will begin working in September.
  8. September would be fine for me.
  9. As you asked me, I am sending my CV.
  10. I'm expecting a letter from you.

Task 13. Use one of these verbs in its correct form to complete the sentences.

earn gain win achieve

  1. Sam ______ quite a lot of money in the school lottery.
  2. Tina likes being a nurse but she doesn't _______ a high salary.
  3. Students who are not very academic can often _______ great success in their chosen careers.
  4. I _______ a lot of experience working abroad last summer.

Complete these sentences so that they are true for you.

  1. I would like to pursue a career in ____________.
  2. The kind of work I am interested in is _____________.
  3. In my first job, I would expect to earn _____________.
  4. At school I have gained _____________.
  5. I enjoy participating in _____________.
  6. I am currently learning to _____________.
  7. ____________ is something I would welcome.
  8. I feel I have an aptitude for _______________.

Task 14. You are going to compile a CV and to write a personal statement and an accompanying letter to send with your application for one of these jobs. Read the two advertisements and decide which job you would like to apply for.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 1354 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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