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Looking for and applying for a job

Task 1. What do you know about the process of applying for a job in Russia? What steps are to be taken? Is the procedure the same in English-speaking countries? Discuss the questions with the group.

Task 2. You will hear and take notes on a lecture given by Graciano E. Matos, who works in a career counseling office at a college. He will explain how technology has impacted the process of looking for and applying for a job. The following items contain important vocabulary the lecture. Work with a partner. Using the context and your knowledge of related words, take turns trying to guess the meanings of the words in bold.

1. making phone calls to prospective employers

  1. put your résumé with a cover letter in a stamped envelope...
  2. The tools used are much more advanced, and they require more skills and expertise.
  3. Technology has not so much changed the process as enhanced it.
  4. This makes the search more open.
  5. people of different socioeconomic backgrounds from all over the world
  6. The Internet has become the tool of preference for getting more details.

8. You might have had a desk full of newspaper ads just to keep track of where you should apply.

Task 3. Work with your partner. Match the vocabulary terms with their definitions by writing the letter of each definition below next to the sentence or phrase containing the correct term in Task 2. Check your answers in a dictionary if necessary.

a) possible

b) a letter to explain what you are sending

c) improved

d) organize and remember

e) social and financial status in society

f) attempt to find something

g) ability

h) favorite way

Task 4. Now listen to the lecture. Take notes on your own paper. Make sure your notes are in a well-organized format. Then compare them with a partner.

Task 5. Write a one-paragraph summary of the lecture. Include these words in your summary:










Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 536 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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