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Task 3. A sample CV

Here is Carmen’s CV. Read through it closely and then try to answer the following questions about Carmen and her experience.

Carmen Lopez Duran


I am keen to follow a career in Tourism or Hotel Management. I am well-organised, highly motivated and have excellent communication skills. In addition I am reliable, flexible, and quick to learn.

Personal details

Address Avenida de la Plata 47 Grenada 18 752 Spain
Tel 123 456 789
Email Carmello@ etc.com
Date of birth 25 Nov 1980
Marital status Single


1998 - 2000 Universidad de Granada Diploma in Business Studies with Tourism
1990 - 1998 Instituto Cervantes, Granada Bachillerato (A Level equivalent) Grade B

Professional Experience

2000 - present Hotel Xyz, Notown Assistant to Conference Manager Responsible for providing administrative support, answering enquiries, taking bookings, arranging catering. Employee of the Year, 2001.
Summer 2000 Company Xyz. Notown Social/Sports Officer In charge of escorting groups of foreign students, Arranging schedules, planning social events, Organising sports activities, managing a budget.


Yoga, swimming, skiing, classical music, theatre, current affairs

Additional Skills

· Fluent English - IELTS score 6.5

· Working knowledge of French

· Clean driving licence

· Computer literate (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)


Antonio Palma Plazas, Conference Manager, Primavera Hotels

Mercedes Garrido Vazquez, Regional Director, Eurostudy Ltd

Decide whether the following sentences are true or false based on Carmen's CV:

1. She is married. (True / False)

2. She started working full-time when she left school. (True / False)

3. She was not very successful at Hotel Primavera. (True / False)

4. She worked during her vacations. (True / False)

5. She had financial responsibility when she worked for Eurostudy. (True / False)

6. She isn't interested in politics. (True / False)

7. She has never committed a driving offence. (True / False)

8. She speaks French better than English. (True / False)

Task 4. What makes a good CV?

Brainstorm your ideas in pairs and share them with the rest of the group.

Now decide whether the following sentences are true or false.

1. Employers don't care what CVs look like. (True / False)

2. Companies only receive a few applications for each position. (True / False)

3. You should spread your points out on the page. (True / False)

4. You should include as much information as possible. (True / False)

5. It is better to focus on key facts. (True / False)

6. The most important features are that it is easy to read and looks good. (True / False)

7. A good CV will guarantee a good job. (True / False)

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 1044 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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