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Completes the statement or answers the question

1. Which one of the following statement is true?

a. Personnel management is usually a staff position in most small businesses.

b. The smaller the business, the less important personnel management is.

c. The personnel management functions should be clearly understood in any business.

d. When a business is small, good working relationships between employees and the employer

take care of themselves.

2. The first step in selecting the best employee for a job is to

a. contact an employment agency

b. place an ad in the newspaper

c. select a rest to be given to the applicant

d. write a position description

3. When elected employees meet with the representatives of management to work out an

agreement, they are engaged in

a. collective bargaining

b. arbitration

c. mediation

d. negotiation

4. All workers’ needs cannot always be met because

a. management does not care

b. they are too expensive

c. they are unreasonable

d. all of these reasons

5. Personnel management is actually the proper and intelligent handling of

a. people

b. personnel

c. personal problems

d. workers

6. Most people work because they

a. have to in order to eat

b. want to make a contribution and feel recognized and appreciated

c. feel they will be punished if they do not work

d. all of these reasons apply to some individuals

7. Personnel management is not an exact science because you are dealing with

a. people and objects

b. people who are lazy

c. people who do not care

d. people who feel threatened

8. A written company statement that states what will happen in a given set of circumstances

is known as

a. policy c. law

b. rule d. requirement

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 335 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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