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Ex. 2. Replace the words in italics by synonyms from the text

1. a candidate ________________________________________

2. a basic component __________________________________

3. angry workers ______________________________________

4. employee agencies ___________________________________

5. requires a lot of time and expensive _____________________

6. satisfy the needs _____________________________________

7. labor force _________________________________________

8. necessary component _________________________________

9. to grow and flourish __________________________________

10. to fit the job requirement ___________________________

11. proper employment of people __________________________

12. to build up an image for the company ___________________

Ex. 3. Give the English equivalents to the following.

квалифицированная рабочая сила ________________________________________

приобрести признание _________________________________________________

подбор кадров (персонала) ______________________________________________

достигать цели ________________________________________________________

беспечные и раздраженные работники ____________________________________

справедливость ________________________________________________________

возможности для личного роста __________________________________________

окружающая обстановка ________________________________________________

доверять ______________________________________________________________

умелое руководство ____________________________________________________

нести ответственность __________________________________________________

хорошо подобранная рабочая сила ________________________________________

Ex. 4. Match the words with their definitions.

_____ applicant _____ recruit _____ motive _____ to hire _____ time-consuming   _____ requirements _____ essential _____ environment _____ morale a. something demanded or imposed as an obligation b. to employ (a person) for wages c. vitally important; absolutely necessary d. any new member or supporter e. external conditions or surroundings, especially those in which people live or work f. - spirit of optimism g. taking up or involving a great deal of time h. a person who applies, as for a job, grant, support, etc i. the reason for a certain course of action, whether conscious or unconscious

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 325 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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