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COMPREHENSION. Ex. 8. Complete the ideas

Ex. 8. Complete the ideas.

1. The main objective of the personnel function is to recruit and maintainan efficient work


2. People who work a territory for years build up goodwill for the company...

3. There are many explanations of what motivates employees...

4. Studies of employee motivation point out that people work for many different reasons...

Ex. 9. Join the halves of the sentences.

1. Recruiting good people is a. careless and disgruntled workers.
2. Proper utilization of people is b. means a high staff turnover.
3. The main objective of the personnel function is c. than a poorly-chosen one.
4. A poorly-selected labor force d. to recruit and maintainan efficient work force.
5. The most expensive equipment is ineffective in the hands of e. a difficult task.
6. People who work a territory for years f. is called a motive.
7. A well-chosen labor force will be more productive g. one of the most important aspects of managers’ job.
8. The reason or reasons a person behaves a certain way h. build up goodwill for the company.
9. The education, experience and personality of each applicant i. an essential component of good management.
10. Keeping employee motivated is j. must be carefully considered.

Ex. 10. Multiple choice. In each of the following, select the word or phrase that best

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 310 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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