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Match the terms with their definitions

1. collective bargaining a. payment by employers for some part of the cost of injuries.

2. family leave b. association of workers for the purpose of improving their economic status and working conditions through collective bargaining with employers.

3. labour law c. an arrangement by which people work at home using a computer and telephone, transmitting work material to a business office by means of a modem and telephone lines.

4. pension d. social policy permitting workers to take a specified amount of time off from the job to attend to pressing family needs.

5. Stakhanovism e. procedure whereby an employer or employers agree to discuss the conditions of work with representatives of the employees, usually a labour union.

6. telecommuting f. periodic payments to one who has retired from work because of age or disability.

7. union g. movement in the Soviet Union aimed at increasing industrial production by the use of efficient working techniques.

8. workers' compensation h. legislation dealing with human beings in their capacity as workers or wage earners.


Find in the text the word combinations with the terms below and make up your own sentences.

Договір; початок; право; закінчення терміну; спілка; постійний; платня; умови; процедура; колективний

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 581 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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