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II. DEVELOPMENT. 1. Using information from the text define whose rights are below (employer’s or employee’s)

1. Using information from the text define whose rights are below (employer’s or employee’s).

1. The right to take the case to an employment tribunal.

2. The right to redundancy payments.

3. The right to dismiss for reasons such as misconduct or poor work.

4. The right to claim compensation if unfairly dismissed.

5. The right to written reasons for dismissal.

6. The right to take paid parental leave for parents.

7. The right to interview the applicant.

8. The right to dismiss for theft.

2. Read the sentences about employer’s duties. Find 10 mistakes and correct them.

1. An employer should reduce an employee’s duties, which can be implied by the law or may be found in the employment contract.

2. An employee should pay an employer the agreed amount.

3. An employer should provide an employee with work, gifts and rest.

4. An employer should breach sick and safety regulations.

5. An employer should give an employee incorrect information about rights under their contract.

6. An employer should take an employee a reasonable opportunity to have its complaints looked at.

7. An employer and an employee also owe each another a duty of "Mutual (взаємний) Trust and Confidence", basically they must show contempt for each other.

8. An employee will be entitled to at least 10 weeks holiday in any one year period.

9. An employer shouldn’t pay contractual illness pay.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 371 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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