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Choose the best word from the brackets to fill the gap

1. I didn’t like the way the company was being run so I __________ (resigned/sacked/terminated)

2. They laid __________ people in March and 50 more in September. (on/off/out)

3. I joined this company because the career __________ is excellent. (path/way/contract)

4. I have regular performance __________ with my manager. (advice/support/reviews)

5. We now have fewer employees and so the company is much __________ (efficient/leaner/fatter)

6. I have worked my way up and now I am a __________ manager. (main/old/senior)

7. She was __________ for copying company software on to her PC (fired/promoted/retired)

8. I was appointed on a __________ contract so my job isn’t very safe. (permanent/full-time/temporary)

9. When you join a company now you can’t expect a __________ for life. (job/work/career)

10. If you break the safety rules you can be __________ immediately. (downsized/dismissed/delayered)

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:



1. Draw a line from each word on the left to a word on the right to make a word pair. There is one extra word that you don’t have to use.

1. big industry
2. corporate commerce
3. self employed
4. e- business
5. free enterprise
6. enterprise departments
7. nationalized profits

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 1045 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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