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A) customers b) suppliers c) buyers

6. What is the secret of their fantastic commercial __________?

A) production b) success c) market

7. A movement of money into or out of an account is called __________.

A) transaction b) option c) invoice

8. We decided to __________ the new model at the trade fair in autumn.

A) manufacture b) produce c) launch

9.Our company is ready to sponsor the city football team if they wear our __________ on their shirts.

A) logo b) brand c) slogan

10.The 1929 __________ market crash led to the great depression in many countries.

A) share b) stock c) stake

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1. During the bear market a lot of firms went ____________________.

A) ahead b) bankrupt c) melding

2. Monthly salaries of our staff go directly into their ____________________.

A) invoices b) interests c) accounts

3. My cash ____________________ was $ 300.

A) credit b) sum c) deposit

4. If you own some shares of a company you receive ____________________ per share.

A) interest b) dividends c) salary

5. He ____________________ most of his savings in the Stock Exchange.

A) gave b) fixed c) invested

6. A great number of companies in Russia were __________ by the 1998 financial crash.

A) effected b) affected c) infected

7. This type of coffee is the ……… leader.

A) logo b) slogan c) brand

8. Last month they started their advertising campaign with the new corporate __________.

A) slogan b) team c) appeal

9. New technologies make global ____________________ easier.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 750 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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