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Тест 23. The Participle

Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав причастие настоящего или прошедшего времени:

1. All transactions are to be ____________ in the general journal.

a) recording b) recorded

2.There is an ____________ number of private investors.

a) increasing b) increased

3. Staff are ________ to work flexitime.

a) allowing b) allowed

4. John was _________ to join the family firm.

a) inviting b) invited

5. She works in an ____________ agency.

a) advertising b) advertised

6. Most of the products are __________ to developing countries.

a) exporting b) exported

7. Accrued income is a total sum of money __________ by the company during a

particular period.

a) earning b) earned

8. The goods were ___________ in the shop window.

a) displaying b) displayed

9. All ___________ machines are cut-price for one week only.

a) washing b) washed

10. ___________ conditions improved last year.

a) Trading b) Traded

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Тест 24. Мany, much, (a) little, (a) few (part 1)

Вставьте одно из следующих слов в пропуски:

1. As the field survey shows, very __________ customers find the design of our goods attractive.

a) little b) few c) much

2. We managed to capture __________ contracts last month.

a) little b) much c) many

3. We have __________ time at our disposal. We must make a decision right away.

a) little b) much c) many

4. There is very __________data available about market trends in this region.

a) a few b) little c) many

5. We spent too __________ time on routine meetings.

a) much b) a few c) many

6. ‘Are there any seats on the next flight to Madrid?’ ‘Yes, there are __________.’

a) little b) many c) much

7. I am beginning to get __________ worried about the situation.

a) a little b) few c) many

8. We need __________ more time to think about your proposal.

a) a little b) many c) a few

9. __________ insurance companies protect their customers against risk.

a) A little b) Many c) Much

10. It takes one __________ money to join a credit union.

a) a few b) many c) much

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Тест 25. Many, much, (a) little, (a) few (part 2)

Вставьте одно из следующих слов в пропуски:

1. Starting a business without financial support from the bank may cause you __________trouble.

a) a few b) many c) much

2. Banks are subjects to __________ government regulations.

a) little b) many c) much

3. Only __________ major customers can keep up with the rise of the service prices.

a) a few b) many c) much

4. Very __________ financial institutions nowadays keep off technical innovations in the

banking industry.

a) a few b) few c) much

5. You can’t do without __________ cash on hand when you go to a retailer shop.

a) a little b) many c) little

6. Banks are now using computer technology to perform __________ financial transactions.

a) little b) many c) much

7. No matter how __________ money you have you can open a bank account.

a) few b) many c) much

8. There are too __________ students in our group.

a) a few b) much c) many

9. Do you have __________ homework to do?

a) few b) many c) much

10. I need __________ help. Could you help me with the translation?

a) a little b) many c) little

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