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Teст 10. The Possessive Case

Выберите нужную форму существительного:

1. In a planned economy, __________ wages depend on the service they provide to


a) workers’ b) workers

2. __________ salary mostly depends on the demand for his or her work.

a) Someone b) Someone’s

3. Consumers can buy a __________ goods or services.

a) company’s b) company

4. Utility is the __________word for the satisfaction we get from a purchase.

a) economists b) economists’

5. The cost of the good, the __________ income can affect the utility of a good.

a) consumer b) consumer’s

6. The demand is the __________ need for labour.

a) employers’ b) employers

7. The _______________ financial plans are embodied in its annual budget.

a) government b) government’s

8. He had a __________ holiday last summer.

a) month’s b) month

9.The __________ cargo consisted of wheat and barley.

a) Neva’s b) Neva

10. My elder brother __________ son is a top manager.

a) Peter b) Peter’s

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Тест 11. There is /are, there was /were, there have/has been, there will be

Выберите нужную форму глагола to be:

1. There __________ five people in my family.

a) are b) is

2. __________ there much mail on the desk?

a) are b) is

3. There __________ no contracts on the desk.

a) are b) is

4. There __________ much new equipment at the plant.

a) are b) is

5. There __________ a big rise in the cost of living.

a) has been b) have been

6. __________ there a flight to Paris this evening?

a) are b) is

7. There __________ nobody in the office.

a) are b) is

8. There __________ a lot of people in the shops.

a) were b) was

9. The manager of the company is leaving, so there __________ a new manager soon.

a) will be b) is

10. There __________ 5, 000 employees in our company.

a) are b) is

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Teст 12. The Present Simple / The Present Continuous Tense

Выберите нужную форму глагола в настоящем простом или в настоящем продолженном времени:

1. Our manager __________ in the office all day.

a) stay b) stays c) is staying

2. As a rule I __________ customers in the evening.

a) meet b) meets c) am meeting

3. We usually __________ our work at 6.

a) finishes b) finish c) are finishing

4. He often __________ to London.

a) go b) goes c) is going

5. They __________ customers in different cities.

a) have got b) has got c) are having

6. We don’t __________ out at weekends.

a) goes b) go c) are going

7. After lunch the secretary __________ letters to different companies.

a) write b) is writing c) writes

8. I __________ my chief tomorrow.

a) meet b) am meeting c) meets

9. My boss __________ with your enquiry now but you won’t get a rapid answer.

a) is dealing b) deals c) deal

10. The office __________ at 6 p.m. on weekdays.

a) is closing b) closes c) close

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Teст 13. The Present Simple / The Present Continuous Tense

Выберите нужную форму глагола в настоящем простом или в настоящем продолженном времени:

1. I sometimes __________ at home because I have a computer.

a) work b) works c) am working

2. He usually __________ financial control over these projects.

a) take b) takes c) is taking

3. Now he __________ in Libya on a fixed-term contract.

a) is working b) works c) work

4. I __________. Can you tell Rosemary I’ll see her tomorrow?

a) am leaving b) leave c) leaves

5. His company __________ profit every year but it isn’t very big.

a) is making b) make c) makes

6.Nowadays consumers in the industrialized world __________ increasingly

concerned with healthy living.

a) are becoming b) becomes c) become

7. It’s not an expensive hotel. It __________ much to stay there.

a) doesn’t cost b) don’t cost c) isn’t costing

8. She’s got a new job so she __________ the firm in October.

a) is leaving b) leaves c) leave

9. Our company _______________ in high quality coffee.

a) is specializing b) specializes c) specialize

10. ‘Can I speak to John?’ – ‘Sorry, he’s out. No, hold on, he _______________ down

the corridor’.

a) come b) comes c) is coming

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Teст 14. The Past Simple / The Present Perfect Tense

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