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Answer the following questions

1. What careers do British teenagers prefer careers in manufacturing to?

2. Are there many jobs in manufacturing sector in Britain?

3. How popular is apprenticeship in manufacturing sphere?

4. How has the youth’s interest to the sector changed recently?

5. What kind of event is the Big Bang Fair?

Explain (in English), how you understand the following words and word combinations from the text, make your own sentences with them

Applicant; survey; recruitment; R&D; application; misplaced belief

Give the main idea of the text in 5 sentences.

Open the brackets. Use the necessary verb form in Passive Voice

1. A new factory (open) by the Prime Minister last week.

2. All this damage (cause) by the fire.

3. New hardware (deliver) at the moment.

4. Is it true that in future all the household chores (perform) by robots?

5. In future, hopefully, social media (not/replace) face-to-face communication.

Choose the correct modal verb for each gap. Each verb may be used more than once

Can, could, may, must, have to, should, had to, will be able to

1. Exit…not be blocked during the product testing according to safety rules.

2. We... pay the legal expenses this month if we don’t want to be sued.

3. Cheap solar panels…be the answer to Uganda’s power shortage.

4. The students … present a graph description by Friday.

5. I … take the exam next week?

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 447 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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