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Answer the following questions. 1. How does inductive coupling work?


1. How does inductive coupling work?

2. How can one widen inductive coupling range?

3. What is the difference between laser-transmitted power and microwave-transmitted power?


1. What are the effects of sonoluminescence?

2. How can the energy produced by sonoluminescence be used?

Give the English definitions of the following words and word combinations from the texts, make your own sentences with them

Coil of wire; short range; laser beam; chemical reaction; abrupt

Give the main idea of the text in 5 sentences.

Open the brackets. Use the necessary verb form in the Passive Voice

1. I just (offer) an interesting job.

2. I hope, the parcel (deliver) by tomorrow morning.

3. What should I do if you (expel) from the university?

4. She (give) an equation to solve and soon the answer (give).

5. Skyscrapers (support) by a special steel skeleton.

Choose the correct modal verb for each gap. Each verb may be used more than once

Can, could, may, must, have to, should, had to, will be able to

1. I … not understand the Theory of Relativity when I was at school.

2. He … attend additional English classes to pass his exam, though he doesn’t like it at all.

3. You… not submit your CV before you have had it checked.

4. He … help you if he is not busy.

5. We… see the manager today. He has our paychecks.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 416 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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