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Hubble Space Telescope

What strange worlds lie beyond the moon, the sun and the stars? Are there planets in the solar system we have not yet found? Are there life forms living deep in the galaxy? Is space an endless sea, or does it come to a stop at some distant place in the heavens?

Like stars in the sky, there are millions of unanswered questions about the blackness of space that surrounds earth. Since the beginning of time, humans have tried to uncover the secrets that are hidden amongst the stars.

Many thousands of years spent gazing into the sky inspired humans to develop the science of astronomy, a field that involves the study of space. Many more hundreds of years passed before famed European astronomer Copernicus discovered that the planets revolve around the sun. But it was not until 1608, when a scientist named Galileo invented the very first telescope, that humans began enjoying their first real close up look at space. Galileo’s discovery opened up the skies for the first time, giving scientists a better view of the stars and planets in the solar system. Over the next three and a half centuries, humans explored space from the earth by looking through telescopes. That changed during the 20th century, when the invention of rockets and satellites allowed humans to travel into space for the first time.

By studying space, scientists learned that the ring of gases surrounding earth was stopping them for seeing a clear view of the heavens. This ring—called the earth’s “atmosphere” – blocks many kinds of light from shining down to earth. In 1946, scientists put forth the idea of putting a telescope in space, high above the earth’s atmosphere.

The Hubble Space Telescope is the end result of that idea. Launched in 1990 from Cape Canaveral in Florida, the Hubble Space Telescope traveled through the earth’s atmosphere aboard the space shuttle. It was placed into orbit 325 miles (520 kilometers) above the earth’s surface, giving science its first view of the universe from above the thick gases of the earth’s atmosphere.

The Hubble Telescope took 12 years to develop, and cost over 2 billion dollars (U.S.) to make. It measures nearly 45 feet long (14 meters) and nearly 15 feet wide (5 meters). The telescope weighs over 24,000 pounds (11,000 kilograms), making it the largest civilian satellite ever released in space. It barely fit into the giant cargo bay of the space shuttle.

Despite being as large as a trailer truck, the Hubble Space Telescope is able to point to any object in the sky with amazing accuracy. It will produce images of planets, stars and galaxies 20 times larger than the strongest telescope on earth.

The mirrors on the Hubble Telescope are made of special glass that will not bend out of shape in space. This feature helps the telescope survive in conditions where there is no gravity. But despite its special design, even the smallest movement of the mirror’s surface or sensors could obstruct its view. If that happens to the Hubble Space Telescope, humans will lose their eye in space!

(from the book «20 Questions Answered)

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 390 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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